Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I used to associate rain with trials. It often brings traffic. And makes going home difficult. Not only does it wet the lapels of your pants, it can force you to stay under whatever shelter is available. It puts you into contact with people whose only similarity with you is that they were also caught by the sudden downpour.

But for the past few days, many were praying for the rain to come. Waters in our dams are in critical levels. One hydraulic power generator shut down. Several creeks had dried up. Farmers are bemoaning the drought that is rubbing them of their crops. And thus, many have prayed.

Beyond this very real situation, I have been changing my view of rain. I welcome the coolness it brings. I enjoy the sound it makes as it falls down on asphalt. I like it best when it maintains a constant strength and volume, without thunders or lightnings. Just the plain beauty of falling rain.

It is my dream to one day dance under the rain. To abandon myself to the feeling of getting wet and then hearing its music when it falls on the earth.

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